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Teaching for Artistic Behavior

Facilitating Art Class  In A Choice Based Classroom 

The first important step is to work with the assumption that students have a lot to say visually. The students will get the message that the teacher respects them as artists. During class, it is essential to observe student work carefully to identify those needs that require subsequent individual or group instruction when starting TAB (Teaching for Artistic Behaviors)Teaching. 

While teaching, be responsive to the teachable moment by highlighting the unexpected and wonderful things that emerge from the independent work.

Following are facilitator techniques discussed during a USMASS PD I led for visual art teachers. 
The workshop was one of several that explore the ideas of a  

Choice Based Learning Environment

  How to manage the classroom, develop the curriculum, meet educational standards, and create a meaningful work environment.

 1. Arrange the classroom so that a broad range of two−dimensional and three−dimensional wet and dry media are available in an organized fashion each week.

2. Provide instruction so that students can find materials, use them properly, and put them away carefully.

3. Limit whole class instruction so that students have adequate time on chosen tasks.

4. Make indirect instruction constantly available (signage, menus, peer teaching, teacher/student

5. Balance instruction in various media: painting, drawing, printmaking, collage, sculpture, and

6. Consider the big ideas (symbolism, transformation, variation, imagination, invention) that
underlie all instruction.

7. Align the program with state and national standards (Massachusetts Visual Arts Curriculum

Frameworks and the National Visual Arts Standards.) Embed assessment through conversations and video shorts.


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