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Showing posts from January 5, 2014

Teacher Evaluations

What Are Your Thoughts as Parents, Teachers and Artists on the new Teacher Performance Evaluation Process?    As a specialist,  I agree with the article in the Times. I personally feel as if I have less time to discover new ideas for lessons, no time to see what other artists are doing both locally and through media and I feel that I need three more hours in the day on top of the three I already do outside of the school day to do evaluation work.  I found out the hard way that doing what I love most, developing new lessons and experimenting with the ideas in my studio first then connecting them to the Common Core, ELA, and new standards is a long time consuming process that can keep me up until the wee hours of the night thus getting far less sleep than I used to.   For me, I spend much more time trying to connect what I am doing to the state mandated teacher rubric so that I can prove I am teaching and prove the stude...

Though Of The Day