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Showing posts from January 4, 2015

The Boston Public Schools Budget - Remixed

BPS BUDGET REMIX VIDEO - Presented by The Curley K-8 School Parents  DO you know we have have some of the most dedicated,  passionate and talented parents that work behind-the-scenes fighting not just for their children's education but for  public education.  Heshan Berents-Weeramuni is one of those parents. He's not paid to advocate for the public schools nor are the many, many other parents that worked tirelessly in support of public education. The following article from Boston Globe includes a link to a video made by our extraordinarily talented and dedicated parents explaining how the budget process works. I would like to especially thank Heshan Berents-Weeramuni a parent, who works quietly behind the scenes fighting for public education. He alongside all our parents that tirelessly asking in return- Proper Funding . The Boston school system made a significant change in hiring last school year, giving principals the authority to select outside candidate...