How To Connect and Contact Our Classroom
I am very excited to be able to stay in contact with you through email, Twitter and our web page/blog. Here you will be able to find the following:
- Current projects
- The visual art syllabus for the year
- Information for special projects, shows and events
- General classroom news
- Funding events
- Teacher contact information
This year we are continuing incorporating the three R's in the art room. These are not the R's you may remember form when we were young though! These are the three R's of the environment and they are as follows:
Recycle: Many of
the things we use every day, like paper bags, soda cans, and milk cartons, are
made out of materials that can be recycled. Recycled items are put through a
process that makes it possible to create new products out of the materials from
the old ones.
Reuse: Instead of throwing things away, we are going to find ways to
use them again! For example, coffee cans, shoeboxes, yogurt containers, and
other types of containers people throw away can be used to store things or can
become fun art projects while learning at the same time.
Reduce: Reducing the amount
of waste you produce is the best way to help the environment. There are lots of
ways to do this and we will be doing it everyday in the art room.
One of the most important terms the
students will be learning about and incorporating in their artwork includes all
of the above terms and it is called:
This is the
process of converting waste materials or recycling products into new materials
or products. In our case we will be converting them into art projects of better
quality or for better environmental value.
Students will also be studying three artists a year and creating a work in the style of that artist.
Students will also be studying three artists a year and creating a work in the style of that artist.
Contact Information
There are a number of ways to reach this website and connect with the art class and Ms. Drakes.
1. You can subscribe to this blog. The link to do that is on the right hand side of the Home Page and you can enter your email. Now you will receive updates as to what is happening in the artroom and all the arts information I listed that we will be doing in our classroom.
or you can connect through email here at:
3. The Curley K-8 website is connected to our webpage you can find the link under Teacher Websites. There you may comment, make suggestions and find information on the school, events, how to get involved in the school community and find helpful links.