Do not be mislead be informed!
I received a disturbing call today from our councilman in JP informing me that certain neighborhoods in Jamaica Plain are going up for a vote for redistricting this Wednesday!
For information on what this actually mean you can call our councilmen's offices their names are below or read the following:
The neighborhood I live in near the the new BTU school on Walk Hill will become Dorchester if the vote passes on Wednesday, yes this Wednesday! Please help by call the following number and saying you oppose the redistricting of JP and to leave JP as it is and has always been. I do not want to become Dorchester when I do not even live near it. This will affect our schools, property, children and much, much more! I believe anyone can call not just a Jamaica Plain residence. This was sudden he said and is happening allover the city and the people have not ben informed of it. When some call they say it is just for voting purposes but that is not what he told me is the truth. I suggest calling to oppose it anyway. Those who live in JP would vote in Dorchester? That makes no sense.
The Number is 617-635-3040 . All you have to tell them is you oppose the redistricting of JP. Please pass this information along to anyone that can call before Wednesday.
I am not sure what the entire truth is if we are just going to be voting in Dorchester or becoming part of it. I was told mixed messages from the same phone #. I know Felix Arroyo and Matt O'Malley our councilmen are 100% opposed to it. So please do not be confuses ether way I do not think this is a positive move for Jamaica Plain.
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