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The Beautiful Cape Wedding

On Friday night was the wedding of one of my student teachers and friend Allie Doubis. It was a beautiful ceremony outside in a wooded area. While they had their pictures taken on the beach the guests entered the Sea Captain's house Called The Linnel House for drinks when they returned we were served a delicious dinner and then the cake was cut and everyone danced.  The house belonged to and was named after Captain Linnel who lived there. Now it is a posh restaurant and event destination. I especially liked the decorations Allie did all herself and the memory chest for the people that were no longer with us. It was beautifully thought out.

memory chest

Allison Shirley Who was also a student teacher and friend of mine from Mass Art
was also there with me.

After doing some research I found out the house is haunted. Apparently the Captain hung himself in the house. It was the staff that warned us that the house was haunted. I will post a link for you to read about the haunting of the house tomorrow. So stay tuned its interesting reading. Here is a picture of the Linnel's

I think it's irrie that you cannot see their faces.

Stay tuned for tomorrows ghost story and more wedding pictures.


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