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Showing posts from 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone


I took advantage of the warm weather last weekend and went to the Forest Hill Cemetery and took  some great pictures of the trees, patterns and the beautiful open air Gallery.  We will be using some of the pattern work in class so stay tuned for more and remember who we talked about in regard to the Emerald Necklace? Lets see who remembers his name and what he helped design.  Her are just some of the picture I took. Does this remind you of any lions you know?

Help Us Collect Rolls

Parents, students and staff the art room need rolls for our next 3D art project.  So far we've  collected quite a few of them but with over 100 students interested in doing a 3D project with them the bin empties pretty quick! Students, don't forget to bring in your rolls tomorrow! Parents, please send them in with your child ANY morning or afternoon. Staff,  just email me and I will come to your class or drop them to me.     Art Room location: Bottom floor of upper school room 012 across from the cafeteria. All the students know they can hang them on my door handle if I am out of the art room or bring them during their art class.  I am also available at walker to take them off your hands Students remember any amount of rolls over one will get you a point towards free art which is this week!

Choice Base Week In Art Class

Frankenstein and Free Art  Upcycling in action Every month all the grade level class strives to earn points in art class. It's a pretty simple concept that helps add another layer to creativity and behavior management  (10 points for K-K2 and 20 for 1st-5th).  At the end of the month if each class keeps the points received at the top of the month by simply following the rules of the art room and the school based rules they have an art class during the last week of every month where they have a choice based art class using art centers.  

  Centers change depending on the season, the class points and supplies.  Students can rotate through each center for the entire hour or stay at their favorite one. Usually we have one table that is special because of the time of year or holiday coming up.  It is also special because classes that earn 5 more points have Special Free Art....


2D & 3D Elementary Upcycled Paper Crafts For Free Art Week


THE CURLEY K-8 COMMUNITY WISHES MAYOR MENINO GOODBYE! Our new Principal Ms. Katie Grassa, was invited to an Educator's Goodbye  Meeting for Mayor Menino and asked if the Curley art students could make a goodbye card. We had an outpouring of artwork so the students put together a book of pictures as our card for her to bring to the meeting. Here is a sampling of just some the artwork that was included in the card. We all wish the mayor well!

Beat The Heat

After our trying days in the heat let us not forget the students that come in because school is the place where they want to be, would rather be, feel safe, secure and downright happy to come in and help us clean the closet of help clean up our rooms. I for one am thankful for the company and the help no matter how hot it is. I will be posting some of the projects we have done in recent weeks. Some may be lessons or just beautiful pictures of the students last days with me this year. Next year some will move up to 6th and walk by us without that hello or hug you are used to getting from them.  They are growing up and "too old for that now ".  That is what I tell myself anyway. Some will leave and go to new schools and we will not see them or maybe we will bump into them a few years later working their first job and they remember you and they are excited to see you again.  It is a great feeling to hear them say " I remember your class !". Are you still teachi...

Though Of The Day

Though Of The Day

Upcycling Until The End!

The students ended up being really excited about their " Upcyled  "art projects  wrote about in an earlier post.  They were a big hit at The Arts showcase at the end April.  The classes that participated in the project shared their ideas with the students in other classes and they too wanted to make 3D Upcyled animals and characters.  Here is how excited they were to be taking them home. Upcycled characters 2nd grade The new project we are working on is also 3D and the kids are working diligently to get to the point of adding the up cycled portion. So stay tuned!

Though Of The Day

Something To Think About 

Silver Graphic's Art Projects

Silver Graphics is still coming! Do not think I have forgotten about the few orders that have not been corrected.  We are in the process of doing that now.  The artwork had to be sent to the different companies that make what you ordered. This takes time and we had to negotiate a price with them because its hard to say where the error happened.  If you are interested in ordering more things from them with the same art work on as a gift you can call them and order whayt you would like.  This new money does not go our art program but that is okay!  If you love there work and want it on a bag  or say a nightlight then visits  and click on custom gift products.


Teaching Is Difficult What Keep Me Teaching? It’s not often we get a compliment from a student, you know the kind that makes your eyes water so you look up and say who threw clay on the ceiling AGAIN!!  Well I was holding the door the day after Valentines Day and my 4 th grade was filing in. First I was handed two beautiful crocheted bracelets, one blue and one pink.  I got them from a student that has probably said all of ten words in three years.   She is sweet but painfully shy.  So I proceeded to wear one on each wrist.  Next a slightly tough but sweet, outspoken, little girl hands me a small envelope. . . . If you read down the left side its an  acronym for my name. I went home and framed it.

Thought Of The Day

New Classes Start Monday

                                LINE Some of the elementary students will be switching specialty classes starting at the end of January.  They will begin the process of reviewing the elements and principles of art starting with Line I am excited to start some of the projects the student from the first term were able to do.  Here are a few examples of how we interpreted a line in many different ways.                                                                                

Keep Your Recycling Coming !

We are still collecting your recycling items for our art projects.  I have to say I am excited to see students still showing up at my door first thing in the morning with a bag of used cardboard tissue and paper towel rolls.   The fact that the kids remember to collect them ( then   carry them on the bus ) and remember to bring them to my room is pretty cool I would have to say!  I am not sure that I would have been as brave as they are to carry a bag of toilet tissue rolls to school for the art teacher. So that's a BIG shout out to the students.  Our recycle box is full again and we have enough rolls for about 3 classes worth of art projects so keep them coming so all the classes can do a project using them. The box can be emptied in about three days when we do an art project with them.  I have posted some of the picture that we have done thus far.  Some of the student brought the projects home so that they can re-make them there.  I am colle...